7 Ways To Keep The Aroma Of Raspberries For The Winter

7 Ways To Keep The Aroma Of Raspberries For The Winter
7 Ways To Keep The Aroma Of Raspberries For The Winter

So, today we will preserve raspberries in a variety of ways so as to preserve their incredible aroma for the winter. In raspberry cakes, the acidity of raspberries is almost completely preserved, and the taste and aroma are not ordinary, but the purple color is as pleasant as the word raspberry itself.

Fruits for jam should be collected in dry weather. They must be slightly immature so as not to lose shape during cooking. The fruits are sorted, the crushed, overripe, spoiled by pests fruits are removed.

Before cooking, the raspberries are immersed for a few minutes in salt water (1 teaspoon of salt per 1 liter of water) to remove the larvae of the raspberry beetle. They are lifted up and poured together with the water, after which the fruits are rinsed with clean water. You can also clean them manually.

Every housewife has her own way of making jam.

Method 1

7 ways to keep the aroma of raspberries for the winter
7 ways to keep the aroma of raspberries for the winter

Sugar syrup is prepared. For 1 kg of fruit you need 1 kg of sugar and half a glass of water. Prepare the syrup in a saucepan on the hob until the sugar is completely dissolved. Then add the fruit, simmer and bring to a boil. The bowl or other container in which all this is prepared, it is necessary to stir regularly in a circular motion so that the fruit is completely immersed in the syrup. After boiling, reduce the heat: every 10 minutes, remove the jam from the heat, allow to cool and return to boiling point. Remove the foam regularly. The jam is ready when a drop of syrup, dropped on a plate (some housewives drip on the nail of the thumb), does not spill, and the fruit is evenly distributed in the syrup, does not float on top. The finished jam in hot form is placed in sterile dry jars covered with lids or paper.

Method 2

Pour the fruit into an enamel bowl, sprinkle with a layer of sugar (1 kg of fruit sprinkle 1-1.5 kg of sugar). Leave for 10-12 hours in a cool place. Then add half a glass of water to a cooking pot and put on low heat. Pour the fruit with the sugar at once and while it is boiling, stir regularly and remove the foam. To keep the color at the end of cooking, add half a tablespoon of citric acid. Pour the finished jam into dry and clean jars.

Method 3

In boiling syrup (for 1 kg of fruit take 1-1.5 kg of sugar) add the fruit, boil for 3-5 minutes, remove from the warm syrup and leave for 5-6 hours. Then put back in the syrup and return to the heat to boiling. The fruit is again removed from the syrup for 5-10 hours. After returning the fruit to the syrup, it is boiled again, after which it can be poured into jars and stored.

Raspberry pestle

7 ways to keep the aroma of raspberries for the winter
7 ways to keep the aroma of raspberries for the winter

From raspberries you can prepare many different and delicious preparations. For example, in combination with figs, the taste is unique. Boil the fruit in an enamel bowl. To cover figs and raspberries with sugar, you need 2-3 cups of sugar for 5 cups of fruit. When the juice flows, start cooking on low heat and cook until the fruit begins to separate easily from the bottom. Then form a layer of 2-3 cm on a baking sheet, pre-greased with oil or on parchment paper, then dried in the oven at a temperature of 50-60 degrees. The dried mass is cut into pieces. Store in boxes closed with paper.

Raspberry puree

7 ways to keep the aroma of raspberries for the winter
7 ways to keep the aroma of raspberries for the winter

It can be prepared without sugar, as in the preparation of marmalade, jam, jelly. The fruits are rubbed through a sieve. The resulting mass is heated at low temperature to boiling, boil for 1 minute and immediately transferred to sterile containers.

Raspberry jelly

7 ways to keep the aroma of raspberries for the winter
7 ways to keep the aroma of raspberries for the winter

It is prepared from raspberry juice and sugar (1.5 kg per 1 liter of juice). Weld until a drop of pulse spreads. Then the jelly is poured into sterile jars, sealed. It should be noted that the juice does not always gel well, so you can add gelatin - 50 g per 1 liter of juice.

Raspberry sugar

7 ways to keep the aroma of raspberries for the winter
7 ways to keep the aroma of raspberries for the winter

The mature ones raspberries crush in a wooden bowl and cover with sugar (2 kg of sugar per 1 kg of fruit), stir until the sugar is completely dissolved. The mass is distributed in boxes sprinkled with sugar on top, and the boxes are covered with paper. Store in a cool place.

Raspberry compote

7 ways to keep the aroma of raspberries for the winter
7 ways to keep the aroma of raspberries for the winter

Raspberry compotes guarantee you the aroma of raspberries in the winter, which you can use in cakes and desserts, to eat with a pie, for example. Fruits are placed in clean glass jars. Pour sugar syrup - 250 - 300 grams of sugar per 1 liter of water. The jars are sealed and sterilized.

Raspberry juice

7 ways to keep the aroma of raspberries for the winter
7 ways to keep the aroma of raspberries for the winter

You can prepare raspberry juice as follows. Put the fruit in enameled containers, sprinkle them with sugar (300 g per 1 kg of fruit). Put the pan on low heat and stir periodically, heating the liquid to 85 degrees - for about 5 minutes. Then cool, pour into bottles and sterilize.
