The Most Caloric Christmas Meals In The World

The Most Caloric Christmas Meals In The World
The Most Caloric Christmas Meals In The World

The holidays are approaching, and with them the food-laden tables. Every nation has different Christmas traditions, but a hearty meal is an integral part of every holiday.

Health expert Dr. Wayne Osborne has compiled a map that illustrates which nations eat the most calories during the Christmas holidays.

The undisputed winners are the Americans. Although we often see in the movies how turkey is traditionally eaten in the United States for the holiday, it turns out that most people there rely on roast beef and ham.

Second in the ranking, with only two calories less, are the British. They have a strong tradition - there should always be Brussels sprouts on the table, although in most cases no one reaches for it.

They also don't care so much about the turkey on the table, but the important thing is to have meat on it. A lot. According to statistics, the Christmas feast brings each inhabitant of the Island about 3,300 calories - a real threat to the slim waist. Other European countries also eat a lot on the holiday.

Perhaps the biggest surprise in the ranking is the country that gave the world sushi and one of the most healthy foods - Japan.


Unlike every other day, at Christmas the Japanese replace rice with food from fast food restaurants and indulge in the unhealthy. But what - once a year is allowed. They end the evening with high-calorie Christmas treats and cakes.

The most stomach-sparing Christmas treat is in Lithuania. Scandinavians and Mediterranean people are betting on a healthy menu, but it is unlikely to be liked by any other nation.

There, instead of meat, fish is eaten, which most of the planet would consider a real sacrilege.
