Cheerful Sandwiches For Children's Birthday

Cheerful Sandwiches For Children's Birthday
Cheerful Sandwiches For Children's Birthday

We prepare properly for the child's birthday, especially if we have a party at home. There should always be food and drink for the kids, because the energy they spend on games and entertainment must return to the moment.

It is best that the things we do for the children's party are in accordance with the little ones - that is, to ask if any of the children do not suffer from allergies and if there is intolerance to any of the foods we have provided. Once you've clarified this with the parents of the children who will be attending your child's holiday, it's time to let your imagination run wild and start thinking of different interesting ways to decorating sandwiches.

You can make small sandwiches with the help of bagels. The decoration on them can be extremely diverse and spectacular. You can make a ladybug with the help of a piece of salami divided into two, olives, butter or margarine, yellow cheese or melted cheese.


How to make a ladybug?

- Spread the slice with whatever you have decided and put yellow cheese, and on it add the piece of salami, which is divided into two, but is basically connected. Then on the two wings (salami) add pieces of olive for dots, put a larger piece in the base (like a head) and the sandwich is ready. You can do the same with tomatoes instead of salami. As a base, before adding the tomatoes, put a few sprigs of parsley or lettuce to make it look like the ladybug is on the grass.

How to make a face?

Birthday sandwiches
Birthday sandwiches

- Another idea is to boil eggs, then cut them into circles - you can now use them as eyes, and put a piece of tomato in your mouth, which will look like a smile. To add a mustache - put a sprig of parsley over the tomato. For the pupils of the eye (egg) use a piece of olive.

How to make a traffic light?

- You need three colors - red, green, yellow. We suggest to use for red - tomato, lyutenitsa, crab rolls; for greens - dill, lettuce, cabbage, parsley, lettuce; for yellow - boiled yolk looks best.

Sandwiches of different shapes

- If you have cookie cutters, you can make sandwiches in certain shapes. But for this you need the same shape in different sizes - the goal is to cut the slice large, and each subsequent thing you line up on top of it to be smaller and in the same shape. For example, hearts, teddy bears, etc. Of course, sandwiches in a certain shape can be the same size.

Children's sandwiches
Children's sandwiches

How to make a mouse?

- With the help of half a boiled egg you can make a mouse. Brush the slice with butter or margarine and put yellow cheese on top - then put half an egg on the yellow cheese, with the yolk down. Put two pieces of olives and mouth over the egg white, and use two small triangular pieces of ham for the ears. It is also suitable for the tail of the mouse.

An owl or just a chicken with big eyes - who, as he sees it

"Our next suggestion is to make an owl." You need a large and round piece of salami, which you put on the pre-greased slice. Add two pieces (round) cucumber on top and put some olives on them. For eyebrows use or half a piece of cucumber cut into strips, and at the base should not cut. The other way is with a piece of lettuce, lettuce or parsley. For legs and wings, which you can add just below the end of the salami and respectively on the sides (for the wings), use parsley leaves - one leaf for each leg and wing.

The good thing is that you can use anything you can think of, and the products are not special. Everything you have is suitable for sandwiches - lutenitsa, pate, mayonnaise, melted cheese, carrots, radishes, green or black olives, salami, ham or sausage. You can come up with your own shapes that will surprise the child.
