Decoration For Children's Sandwiches

Decoration For Children's Sandwiches
Decoration For Children's Sandwiches

When making sandwiches for children, whether for a birthday or for no reason, in addition to their taste, their appearance is no less important.

Children will be happy to eat a sandwich with decorations in the form of animals, humans, faces or aliens. Older children will be seduced by sandwiches with their favorite movie characters - spiderman, monsters, and for girls - beautiful fairies.

For children's sandwiches the most suitable are hamburger rolls or toaster bread, which are covered with salami, cheese, butter, lettuce leaves and any additional products used in the decoration.

You can prepare interesting monkey sandwiches. Spread a layer of butter on toast, cover with soft cheese and form an oval head and body from the salami, put two semicircles for the ears.

Children's birthday
Children's birthday

Cut strips of salami for arms, legs and tail. From pieces of olives or peas form eyes, mark the snout with a ribbon, and from a piece of tomato or red pepper make the mouth

Lion sandwich can be made using two types of cheese for toasts of different colors - darker and lighter. From one color cut a heart-shaped mane, and from the other color - a small circle for the abdomen and semicircles for arms and legs.

For the body, use a round piece of soft salami, smaller muzzle circles and ears. For the nose, put a black olive tip, pea or olive eyes, a dill mustache and a tomato, pepper or carrot mouth. Make the tail from a strip of salami.

You can make a cute sandwich with a bunny using a large and a small circle of soft salami for head and body. Cover the lower part of the salami-body with two oval pieces, which are the legs, and in the middle put smaller ovals of yellow cheese.

From the salami, cut ears and paws for the bunny. To shape the muzzle, use two small circles of yellow cheese, a piece of black olive for the nose, peas or olives for the eyes, dill for the mustache.

For a ladybug sandwich you need a piece of cheese toast as a base. Cover it with a round piece of soft salami, from which a thin triangle is cut out, as if the ladybug's wings are open.

From olives you make the points, the legs, and with half an olive you shape the head. For antennas, stick two pieces of parsley stalks.
