How To Make Cheerful Cupcakes In The Netherlands

How To Make Cheerful Cupcakes In The Netherlands
How To Make Cheerful Cupcakes In The Netherlands

The homeland of the cheerful cupcakes is the Netherlands. They are made with cannabis and can be bought from any coffee shop

THC is a natural ingredient and the main psychoactive substance in cannabis. It is believed that it does not lose its effect, even when taken with food.

Some people claim that cannabis consumption has a strong psychotropic effect and can lead to hallucinations if it is raw, pure and in large quantities. However, the number of recipes that include cannabis in their composition is surprising.

The basic recipe for the cupcakes is the one with hashish. Hashish and grass are derived from a plant with the Latin name Cannabis Sativa or cannabis. When the tops of the female plant are dried and crushed, marijuana is obtained. It has a greenish-brown color and is usually called "grass".


When the resin from the plant is pressed into blocks or slices, the result is hashish. Its color varies from light brown to black.

In fact, cheerful cupcakes can be made with almost any cake recipe, with the only addition being a few grams of hashish (about 8 g).

Usually, the Dutch masters of cheerful cupcakes fry cannabis with a lighter and crush it, if it is in lumps, before adding it to the pastry dough.

The finished mixture is distributed in molds or in a large form and baked in the standard way at a moderate temperature.

All kinds of aromatic ingredients can be added to the cheerful cake and cheerful cupcakes to improve its taste - experiment with different flavors, such as pieces of apple, cocoa, chocolate, melon, vanilla, banana and more.
