See Which Are The Most Useful Herbs With Antibiotic Action

See Which Are The Most Useful Herbs With Antibiotic Action
See Which Are The Most Useful Herbs With Antibiotic Action

In infections and treatment of respiratory and urinary tract problems, in gastrointestinal diseases there is a type of plants and herbs that offer effective protection with their antibiotic action.

Thyme, oregano, chamomile and sage are some of them. Thanks to the essential oils thymol and carvacrol contained in thyme, it has not only strong antibacterial but also antiviral action. It is an antispasmodic and has a digestive stimulating effect. Oregano has almost the same effect. Chamomile has anti-cold, antimicrobial and toxin-neutralizing action.

Sage is another useful herb with antibacterial action. It is most often used for infections of the throat and oral cavity. You can use these herbs in two ways - in the form of tea or squeezed juice.

Other plant antimicrobial foods are onions and garlic. Louis Pasteur also discovered that garlic has an antibiotic effect and is also useful for fungal infections. Its main ingredient allicin belongs to one of the most broad-spectrum antibiotics in the plant world. They are able to help you with all infections such as bronchitis, flu and sinusitis.

Garlic-related species such as onions, leeks, arpadzhik or yeast also contain similar active ingredients and have similar properties, but are not as strong as garlic. Let's not forget the cranberry. It helps mostly with urinary tract infections and bladder problems.

See which are the most useful herbs with antibiotic action
See which are the most useful herbs with antibiotic action

Cranberry prevents the attachment of bacteria to the teeth and provides very good prevention of dental plaque. You can eat them both fresh and dried or in juice. Use herbs and plants from nature, they will give you health!
