Foods And Herbs With Antibiotic Properties

Foods And Herbs With Antibiotic Properties
Foods And Herbs With Antibiotic Properties

Including foods and herbs with antibiotic properties in your diet can boost your immune system and protect you from some infectious bacteria.

Onions and garlic - they are close relatives with antibacterial properties. They have been used to treat many things, from harmless ailments to serious illnesses and inflammations, both internal and external.

The main ingredient in onions and garlic with antibiotic properties are sulfur compounds. The effect of garlic was tested on mice infected with an antibiotic-resistant strain of staphylococci. The results showed that garlic protected mice from the pathogen and significantly reduced inflammation.

Long before the development of synthetic antibiotics, honey was widely used throughout the world for the antibacterial treatment of wounds and diseases.

Honey contains an antimicrobial enzyme that releases hydrogen peroxide and inhibits the growth of certain bacteria. In Chinese medicine, honey is believed to harmonize the work of the liver, neutralize toxins and relieve pain. Its antibacterial properties make it an effective treatment for Helicobacter pylori or gastric ulcer.

Cabbage is a member of the cruciferous vegetable family, along with broccoli, kale, cauliflower and Brussels sprouts. It has long been known for its healing properties. The reason for this is the sulfur compounds contained in it, which fight cancer.

Foods and herbs with antibiotic properties
Foods and herbs with antibiotic properties

Another reason is that fruits and vegetables rich in vitamin C are considered natural antibiotics, and a glass of cabbage juice contains about 75% of your daily allowance.

Drink half a glass of fresh cabbage juice 2-3 times daily between meals for two weeks. Add half a teaspoon of raw, unprocessed honey and drink slowly, and you can even chew a little to absorb the enzymes.

Raw cabbage leaves applied to sensitive breasts can relieve inflammation caused by mastitis, fibrocysts and menstrual tenderness.

There are many herbs with antibiotic properties, some of which are suitable for daily or weekly use in cooking.

These are mint, basil, cinnamon, rosemary, oregano, garlic, hot peppers, dill, cardamom, pepper, ginger, mustard, parsley. Continue to enjoy their taste, while knowing that they also strengthen your immune system.
