Attention! Packaged Vegetables Poison Us

Attention! Packaged Vegetables Poison Us
Attention! Packaged Vegetables Poison Us

Appetizing ready-made green salads and fresh packaged lettuce, which grab our eyes from store shelves, are more dangerous to health than most burgers and fries.

It sounds paradoxical, but it is a fact. According to leading British experts, the increase in the incidence of gastrointestinal infections is due to the use of packaged salads.


Although manufacturers widely advertise their products as completely safe and washed twice or thrice, samples taken refute their claims.

Checking over 200 different types of salads, 16 brands have definitely proven the content of bacteria, which are indicators of poor hygiene and contamination with feces.

Packaged vegetables
Packaged vegetables

"It's safer to eat a hamburger, even if it contains traces of horse meat, than the lettuce in that hamburger," said Hugh Pennington, a professor of bacteriology at the University of Aberdeen.

According to Dr. Pennington, this is due to the fact that in connection with the horse meat scandals, the quality of the meat offered is under very strict control. With regard to lettuce and other green leafy vegetables, such control is lacking.

Fresh vegetables
Fresh vegetables

The samples from the subjects packaged vegetables have proven the presence of the dangerous microscopic parasite Cryptosporidiumwhich, when ingested, can lead to cryptosporidiosis.

Frozen vegetables and fruits
Frozen vegetables and fruits

The symptoms of this gastrointestinal disease are moderate to severe diarrhea, stomach pain and weight loss. The disease is dangerous and severe in young children, adults and the chronically ill.

The microscopic parasite lives in the soil and when vegetables come into direct contact with contaminated soil, it attaches to their leaves. Washing or refrigerating infected leafy vegetables does not stop the development of dangerous bacteria. Under normal circumstances, heat treatment completely destroys it, but no one puts their lettuce to heat treatment.

Healthy eating campaigns and calls recommend eating fresh vegetables daily as part of a balanced and healthy diet. It turns out that this can be a double-edged sword, because some pathogenic microorganisms are very easily attached to lettuce leaves and the risk of infection with cryptosporidiosis, salmonella or listeriosis is quite real.

Experts advise not to blindly trust the claims of manufacturers and to wash very carefully the salads we buy, even if it is claimed that they are pre-washed and ready to eat.

Prof. Peddington emphasizes that the thought of our own health must come first when choosing food. It is best to avoid salads that are sold pre-packaged in plastic bags.
