For Food Enzymes

For Food Enzymes
For Food Enzymes

Enzymes are very important for the proper functioning of our body. They are catalysts for certain biochemical reactions. They are present in our body and affect each of its functions. And one of their main functions is to break down food into usable nutrients.

We all know that the proper functioning of our digestive system means health for our brain and immune system. If a part of this system is wrong, then there is a high probability that your overall health is shaken. Therefore enzymes are key to our health.

Many enzymes are synthesized in our intestines and pancreas, but there are many foods that also produce them. However, our modern diet consists mainly of processed foods and spices in some way, which makes it difficult to obtain natural food enzymes.

Enzymes are destroyed at high temperatures. For this reason, it is extremely important to consume enough raw fruits and vegetables, unpasteurized foods, as well as unprocessed ones that will add a high amount of enzymes to your diet.

Many fruits, vegetables and fermented foods contain the enzymes needed to break them down, while others contain those that affect the breakdown of other foods. Below we will see three groups of foods that are good to include in your menu.


Enzymes in food
Enzymes in food

Bananas are rich in potassium and the enzymes maltase and amylase. Maltase is involved in the breakdown of some sugars and allows easy digestion. Amylase serves to break down carbohydrate-rich foods.

Pineapple contains enzymes that are involved in facilitating the process of protein absorption. They are especially suitable for faster decomposition of meat and its passage through the digestive system.

Apricots contain many enzymes, one of which is especially useful - invertase. This enzyme contributes to the rapid breakdown of sucrose to glucose and fructose, and hence to the rapid production of energy.

Avocados are not just a superfood because of the various substances involved. It contains various enzymes, including lipase, which helps break down fats and make digestion easier.

Fermented foods

For food enzymes
For food enzymes

Kefir has a creamy formula and contains intestinal-friendly bacteria that aid digestion. It is prepared from milk, yeast and fermented enzymes.

Sauerkraut is well known to Bulgarians and has been present on his table for many years. Raw sauerkraut is rich in enzymes that are extremely useful for our health and help the digestive process.

Soy sauce is mainly used as a spice, but it contains enzymes that are involved in the breakdown of carbohydrates and proteins. The process of its preparation includes fermentation of soy, water, wheat, yeast and salt.

Other foods with important enzymes

Garlic is known for its antimicrobial properties. But it also contains a type of sulfur compound called allicin, which acts as a helper of antioxidant activity in the body. That is why raw garlic is so useful and is widely used in some recipes of folk medicine.

Onions, like garlic, are rich in alinase and act as an antioxidant and antimicrobial agent. Remember that the hotter you are while cutting onions or garlic, the more beneficial it will be to your health.

Bee pollen contains thousands of unique ones enzymeswhich are extremely beneficial to human health. They play the role of natural antioxidants, support the functions of the digestive system and are great for maintaining a healthy and well-functioning immune system.
