Medicinal Recipes With Calendula

Medicinal Recipes With Calendula
Medicinal Recipes With Calendula

Enyovcheto is an herb from the Broshovi family. The usable parts are its stems. They have proven anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial and laxative effects.

It is used to treat ascites in cirrhosis of the liver, gastrointestinal disorders, inflammatory processes of the urinary tract, shortness of breath.

In Bulgarian folk medicine, marigold is among the most commonly used herbs at all. It is used for sore throat, hoarse voice, fever and worms.

Externally, it treats secondary skin infections and boils. The powdered herb heals infected wounds. Its juice is used to curdle milk.

Enyovcheto is harvested in September and October. Both the stems and the leaves of the plant are used. In the dried state they retain their healing properties for up to three years.

Medicinal recipes with calendula:

To prepare a healing decoction of calendula, you will need 2 tsp. finely ground spoons of the herb. Pour 500 ml of boiling water and leave to soak. When cool, strain the infusion. The result is drunk within a day.

Another option is as 4 tsp. marigold is usually boiled with two cups of boiling water. When cool, the mixture is filtered and drunk for a day.

Herb Enyovche
Herb Enyovche

The infusion can be used to make compresses to be applied to burns, abrasions, ulcers or other skin inflammations. Problems with dandruff and scalp flaking are treated again with marigold tincture.

Marigold extract is also extremely beneficial. For this purpose, 2 tbsp. of the herb is poured 400 ml of boiling water and soaked for 1 hour. Drink one glass of wine before meals, up to 4 times a day.

Marigold juice also has a healing effect. It is prepared from freshly squeezed herbs. It is most often used to treat serious diseases such as cancer. It is also a powerful diuretic that is used to cleanse the body of toxins.

It treats problems with the urinary tract and prostate, kidney stones and lymph problems. Freshly squeezed marigold juice mixed with oil is used for skin tumors.
