Medicinal Recipes With Hawthorn

Medicinal Recipes With Hawthorn
Medicinal Recipes With Hawthorn

The red fruits of the hawthorn are as beautiful as they are useful. The plant has been known in folk medicine for thousands of years. The applied recipes have proven their effectiveness many times.

In our country hawthorn is used mainly as a means of improving the work of the coronary arteries and the heart muscle receives more oxygen. It increases heart rate and the heart pumps more blood.

Direct consumption of hawthorn or its intake in any form improves blood circulation, making it a good remedy for cold limbs. It regulates heart rate and blood pressure. It also calms the nervous system and is used for insomnia.

To feel the benefits of hawthorn, it must be taken systematically. For this purpose, fresh and dried fruits are accepted. An extract is extracted from its leaves, which is even more useful than them. Hawthorn is rich in a number of useful ingredients for the human body, such as tannins, carotene, flavonoids, vitamin C and others. They are found in every part of it.

Be sure to consult a doctor before applying treatment with hawthorn. Here are the most popular recipes with it:

In case of any heart problems, a tincture of 1 tbsp is prepared. flowers or fruits of hawthorn, poured with a glass of brandy. The vessel is closed and allowed to stand in the dark for one week. The infusion is then filtered. Take 20-25 drops of it, dissolved in a little water, 3-4 times a day before meals.

Hawthorn tea
Hawthorn tea

In sclerosis and hypertension in the first or second stage 4 tbsp. flowers and leaves of hawthorn are boiled with a liter of boiling water. Cover with a lid and leave for an hour. Strain and take 1 cup of coffee three times daily before meals.

In angina, hawthorn berries are crushed to a pulp with sugar 1: 1. Take half a tablespoon of the mixture. 2-3 times a day before meals or 45 minutes after.

With high blood pressure 1 tbsp. hawthorn berries are boiled in 1 tsp. water. Leave to stand for 2 hours, preferably in a thermos. Strain and take 3 tablespoons 3-4 times a day.

In heart failure 80 g of hawthorn flowers, 40 g of valerian roots, 40 g of mustard stalks are mixed. 2 tbsp. of the mixture is poured with 500 ml of boiling water. Take 5 cups of coffee 3 times a day before each meal.

In the absence of appetite and digestive problems, 10-15 g of dried hawthorn berries are soaked in a little water and left on the stove to boil. When they release their juice, add another 400 ml of water and 50 g of rice. When the rice is cooked, the medicine is ready.

Painful menstruation is also treated with hawthorn due to its ability to improve blood circulation. For this purpose, 1 kg of hawthorn is cleaned of seeds and washed. Put in water and simmer on low heat.

When cooked, add another 250 g of brown sugar and cook for another 10-15 minutes. Take 30 ml. morning and evening from 3 to 5 days before the start of the cycle, as well as 3 days after its start. Repeat every month. There are visible results after 3 treatment cycles.
