Health Benefits Of Walnut Tahini

Health Benefits Of Walnut Tahini
Health Benefits Of Walnut Tahini

Walnut tahini is prepared from dried and ground walnuts. Its benefits for the human body are related to its properties to supply it with a balanced supply of proteins and fats necessary for the normal functioning of the body.

Walnut tahini contains all the health benefits of walnuts. In addition to proteins and fats, it also contains iron, magnesium and phosphorus, B vitamins. Let's not forget that it is rich in Omega-3 fatty acids, which makes it a valuable supplement in the fight against cardiovascular disease.

Studies show that walnut tahini has an extremely good effect on blood vessels. Regular consumption lowers [bad cholesterol] and has a beneficial effect on the so-called. good cholesterol in the blood.

As it is also known, Omega-3 fatty acids stimulate brain activity and give a lot of energy to the body. Studies also show that the antioxidants and phytosterols contained in walnut tahini reduce the risk of breast cancer. Walnuts are no less useful for men, as they increase sexual potency.


The health benefits of walnut tahini also include prevention of thyroid disease, kidney stones and anemia.

Walnut paste strengthens bones, speeds up metabolism and helps dieters. It is also recommended for diabetes and other problems related to metabolic disorders.

Walnut tahini contains more fat than sesame tahini. It is traditionally added to sweet pies, scallops, baklava, triguns and other types of cakes. It is also suitable for spreading slices in combination with honey (1: 1). It is also used in the preparation of pickles and some types of salads.

It is also important to note that walnut tahini, like walnuts, should not be consumed in large quantities at once.
