What To Do With Old Products

What To Do With Old Products
What To Do With Old Products

When there are products left in the refrigerator, the first thing you need to check is whether they are edible. Microorganisms that are dangerous to health slow down their development in the refrigerator, but not for long.

There are obvious signs that the food is not fit for consumption, such as mold. Unlike many pathogenic bacteria, mold can grow cold, so sometimes food molds in the refrigerator.

It is not wise to cut out the moldy part and eat the product, however, the mold is a sign that the product is no longer edible and that pathogenic bacteria may have developed in it.

Leftover food should be eaten in two days. Home-cooked food can be stored for no more than 72 hours after cooking.

food with mold
food with mold

Some old products that have not spoiled, but only a very small portion of them remain, can be used wisely instead of lying in the refrigerator while they spoil.

Half a sausage or a small piece of salami is cut into very small pieces, mixed with finely chopped tomatoes, placed on slices of bread and baked in the oven.

The small piece of bacon left is difficult to cut thinly to make it tasty. Therefore, grate it on a large grater and serve on a slice smeared with lyutenitsa.

Eggs with salami
Eggs with salami

The small pieces of salami are mixed with eggs and a magnificent omelette is obtained. If there are bones left with a little roasted meat on them, the bones are pounded, boiled, filtered and potatoes are boiled in the strained broth. Add a cube of broth, bring to a boil and serve as a soup in which croutons are added.

One boiled potato left in the fridge is used to make a Spanish omelette - the potatoes are cut into pieces, lightly fried and covered with beaten eggs.

Boiled potatoes can be grated on a fine grater and added to dough for donuts, buns or cakes.

Boiled pasta, which is no longer eaten in its natural form, is fried with a little onion in oil, cream is added - two or three spoons - and stewed under a lid.
