16 Foods Rich In Niacin

16 Foods Rich In Niacin
16 Foods Rich In Niacin

Niacin, also known as vitamin B3, is a micronutrient that your body uses for proper metabolism, to maintain nervous system function and for antioxidant protection.

This is a basic nutrient, which means you need to get it from food, as your body cannot produce it on its own.

Because niacin is soluble in water, any excess is excreted in your urine and not stored in the body. Give this is important to consume regularly niacin-rich foods.

The recommended amount of this vitamin is 16 mg per day for men and 14 mg for women - enough to meet the needs of approximately 98% of adults.

Here 16 foods rich in niacin:

Veal or pork liver is one of the best natural sources of niacin. It provides almost all the necessary amount for a day.

Chicken, especially breast, contains both niacin and protein.



Photo: Yordanka Kovacheva

Tuna is a great choice for people who eat fish but not meat.


Turkey contains tryptophan, which your body can convert to niacin.


Salmon, especially those caught in the wild, also provide niacin. It is an excellent source of omega-3 fatty acids.



Anchovies are a cheap way to meet your niacin needs. Breakfast with 10 anchovies gives you half the niacin you need.

Pork loin

Pork fillet is good source of niacin and vitamin B1, which is a key vitamin for your body.


Veal minced meat is rich in niacin and also in protein, iron, vitamin B12, selenium and zinc.



Peanuts are one of the best vegetarian sources of niacin.


Avocados also contain niacin and fiber, fat and lots of vitamins and minerals.

Brown rice

In addition to niacin, brown rice is high in fiber, thiamine, vitamin B6, magnesium, phosphorus, manganese and selenium.

Whole grains

Whole grains
Whole grains

Whole wheat products also contain niacin. This is because the outer layer - bran, is part of the flour, but is excluded in white flour.


Mushrooms are one of the best plant sources of niacin. They produce niacin and vitamin D.


Green peas are also a good vegetarian source of niacin. It also contains antioxidants.



Potatoes are another source of niacin.

There are other foods that are specifically fortified with niacin. These are cereals, white bread, pasta. These foods sometimes provide more niacinthan those that contain it in the first place.
