Basil Decoction - How To Prepare It And Why It Is Useful

Basil Decoction - How To Prepare It And Why It Is Useful
Basil Decoction - How To Prepare It And Why It Is Useful

Basil is a spicy spice that is loved almost all over the world and a useful herb that has a beneficial effect on human health. In addition to adding to various dishes, you can prepare a decoction of basil, which will refresh you and bring you many benefits.

The leaves and stems of the plant contain essential oils that give basil a pleasant aroma. Basil contains many vitamins - A, C, B2, PP, carotene, phytoncides, rutin, tannins, organic acids (ascorbic, malic), fatty acids (linolenic, linoleic, palmitic), minerals (K, P, Zn, Ca, Fe, Se), polysaccharides.

Thanks to a component such as eugenol, basil has a powerful anti-inflammatory, antibacterial and antiviral effect. It also has a diaphoretic, antispasmodic and tonic effect, which can be compared to the action of aspirin or ibuprofen.

Basil decoction has a positive effect on the respiratory system in asthma, spasmophilia, bacterial and viral infections, pneumonia, allergic rhinitis, spasmodic cough, and is also an anti-allergic agent. The plant eliminates fever and is able to stimulate the respiratory center of the brain, which is valuable in pneumonia. The decoction can be used externally to gargle for sore throats and sore throats.

It is useful for the tone of the walls of blood vessels, promotes the supply of oxygen to the myocardium. It is used in heart failure and varicose veins (in the absence of such complications as thrombophlebitis.

Basil stimulates the appetite well. It also improves the digestive balance and motility of the intestines, relieves the feeling of heaviness in the stomach. Recommended for colitis, digestive infection, seasickness, digestive cramps, digestive disorders (gas, bloating, impaired motility).

The herb is considered a regulator and tonic of the autonomic nervous system, has a stimulating effect on the central nervous system. Basil is also used as a sedative - instead of chamomile tea you can boil a decoction of basil. Recommended for anxiety and restlessness, asthenia (and mental fatigue), decreased concentration (distraction), memory impairment, latent depression, nervousness, sleep disorders, stress, fatigue, migraine.

Basil decoction used in myalgia, rheumatism, arthritis and osteoarthritis. Basil is an aphrodisiac that stimulates hormones in women and potency in men. Effectively helps with seasickness. The positive effect of basil on immunity and effectiveness in cancer prevention has also been noted. The content of vitamin A makes it useful for acute vision.

The cooled decoction is useful for the skin and mucous membranes. Used to treat wounds of various origins, burns, fungal infections, also used for rinsing the mouth in diseases of the gums, teeth and throat. Has a beneficial effect in the treatment of eczema, bedsores, dermatitis, trophic ulcers.

How to prepare a decoction of basil

Decoction of basil
Decoction of basil

Photo: Iliana Parvanova

There are several options for preparation of basil decoction.

Basil decoction for internal use: 60 g of basil is poured with 350 ml of water and placed on the stove. After boiling, boil on low heat for up to 12 minutes. Then you need to cool and strain the decoction. Take two to three sips 3 times a day for two weeks.

Basil decoction for indoor and outdoor use: 15 g of dry leaves pour in 0, 5 liters of boiling water, heat in a water bath for 15 minutes, then cool and strain. This decoction is used for inhalation for colds, for rinsing for angina, for washing the eyes for conjunctivitis, internally for various diseases. Take no more than 115 ml of decoction 3 times a day.

Basil decoction for external use: 1 cup of fresh basil leaves is put on 1 liter of water. Once the water boils, keep on low heat for another quarter of an hour and simmer for 30-60 minutes. After cooling and straining, the decoction is used to wipe infected wounds, compresses for otitis, rinsing the feet with excessive sweating and taking a soothing bath for stress and insomnia.

Basil infusion: Add a teaspoon of dried basil leaves or a stalk of fresh plant to a glass of boiling water. Boil for 8-10 minutes and strain. In case of a cold, you can add a pinch of cinnamon and black pepper, a clove rose and a teaspoon of honey to the infusion.

Attention! It is recommended to start using decoctions of basil in minimal doses. If an allergy is found, it should be stopped. Basil has many valuable properties, but its therapeutic use should be limited to three weeks. This is due to the addiction and accumulation of certain chemicals in the body. Dosages are selected individually, depending on the diagnosis.

How can basil be dangerous?

The basil plant contains mercury compounds that can harm health in large quantities. People with cardiovascular disease, ulcers and acute colitis, as well as patients with epilepsy and diabetes should be especially careful.

Children under the age of seven should not use the plant. May cause individual intolerance and allergy.

Basil should not be used by pregnant women, especially in the early months. It causes uterine hypertension (contractions) and can cause miscarriage. Not recommended during breastfeeding.

The body's reactions to herbal medicine are always individual. For your safety, before you start take a decoction of basil, consult a doctor and phytotherapist.
