The Secret Of Dried Fruit

The Secret Of Dried Fruit
The Secret Of Dried Fruit

Dates, as a source of energy, surpass all other fruits. They contain absolutely all vitamins, except E, but most of them contain vitamin B5, which increases efficiency and enhances concentration and attention.

Dates contain substances that are similar in structure to aspirin. Ancient healers used them to treat colds and headaches.

Dried figs are no less nutritious and useful, they normalize the activity of the thyroid gland and prevent many diseases. They contain enzymes that stimulate digestion.

In folk medicine, dried figs are used to kill stomach parasites and to treat bronchitis. Raisins are perfectly absorbed by the body and have healing properties.

They are recommended for diseases of the cardiovascular system. They are useful for children with weak immunity. Raisins contain a lot of boron, which prevents the development of osteoporosis, because in its absence disrupts the absorption of calcium by the body.

Dried apricots
Dried apricots

Raisins contain a lot of potassium and magnesium. Dried apricots help children grow and have a strengthening effect on the body of adults.

They contain sugar and organic acids, as well as provitamin A, vitamins C and B. Dried apricots are rich in potassium and iron. They are useful in obesity, diseases of the cardiovascular system and perfectly cleanse the stomach.

Prunes have a high rating of popularity among dried fruits because of their nutritional properties and taste. Prunes are rich in fiber, as well as B vitamins.

They eliminate the feeling of anxiety, increase the body's resistance to stress. Since all dried fruits are concentrated, you should consume them in moderation.

This is especially true for dried figs and dates - in excessive amounts they can cause headaches.

You should know that papaya, pineapple and mango, which are successful among buyers, are not actually dried fruits, because they are first candied and only then dried.
