What Are The Most Addictive Foods?

What Are The Most Addictive Foods?
What Are The Most Addictive Foods?

There's no way you haven't noticed that there are foods you eat willingly and you can eat literally every day. The reason for this, according to experts, is that certain foods are addictive. Usually, food addicts not only adore a certain product, but are also unable to control its intake.

In fact, as many as twenty percent of the world's population has a strong craving for food, and the addiction these people develop can be compared to that of alcoholics and drug users, experts say.

Foods that are most easily addictive are similar in that they are high in sugar and fat, but can still be divided into several subgroups. The first type are the so-called easily addictive foods. These include cheeseburgers, fries, cakes and cheeses.

The second subgroup collects moderately addictive foods, including chips, pizza, chocolate, biscuits and ice cream. The third subgroup includes less addictive foods, which also have a number of avid fans. These are popcorn, bacon, steaks, fried chicken, cereals and pasta, foodpanda reports.

An older study also found which foods lead to the easiest to get used to. In addition to french fries, cakes and chocolate, candies, ice cream, donuts, pasta and chips are also considered addictive.


Nutritionists advise that food addiction is a very serious condition that should not be underestimated. All of these addictive products are rich in salt, sugar, fat and a bunch of harmful ingredients.

Their consumption leads not only to weight gain, but also to the appearance of diabetes, problems with concentration, impaired mobility and many other problems. Their reception can bring pleasure to the consumer, but in reality the pleasure of it is only temporary and brings more harm than good.
