Sugar Is More Dangerous Than Drugs: It Is Addictive And Kills

Sugar Is More Dangerous Than Drugs: It Is Addictive And Kills
Sugar Is More Dangerous Than Drugs: It Is Addictive And Kills

Sugar is more dangerous than drugs. It is addictive, changes the mood and brings a feeling of pleasure. The desire for more and more is even stronger than that of drug addicts looking for opiates.

As of today, sugar is already scientifically recognized as a drug. Researchers at the Heart Institute in St. Luke, USA, have found that sugar is addictive and a drug with properties very similar to cocaine.

The effect of sucrose is very similar to that of cocaine. Sugar intake changes the mood, stimulates the feeling of pleasure and provokes the search for more of the substance. This classifies it as an addictive substance.

The scientists came to their conclusion after a long observation of rodents. In any case, experimental mice preferred sugar to drugs. It turned out that the carbohydrate caused a stronger dependence on alkaloids.

This is just one of the theories. According to another, sugar may not lead to addiction, but it certainly brings health problems. Psychiatrist Hisham Zyaudin of the University of Cambridge is convinced that the authors of the article misinterpreted the results of experiments with mice. According to him, rodents become addicted only if they receive unlimited amounts of sugar for two hours a day, and then it is stopped. If mice have free access to jam all the time, they won't get used to it.

The findings are partially supported by other researchers. Robert Lustig of the Heart Institute, for example, is convinced that sugar is a narcotic, but its action, unlike cocaine, is weak and comparable to the effects of nicotine. Everyone has their own theory, but everyone is united around the notion that sugar is not one of the most beneficial things for human health. So, the farther we are from it, the better. It's the same with drugs.
