

Hornbeam / Carpinus / is a genus of angiosperms of the birch family / Betulaceae /, consisting of over 30 species. Hornbeams are found in Asia, North America and Europe. Two species are naturally distributed in Bulgaria.

Species of hornbeam

The hornbeam (Carpinus betulus) is a deciduous deciduous tree with a highly developed root system. This species has a straight trunk covered with gray uncracked bark. The well-developed crown is also characteristic of the species. The leaves of the plant are simple and ovoid. They reach 12-13 cm in length and 5-8 cm in width. Each leaf blade has 10-15 pairs of lateral veins. The edge of the leaf is double-toothed, with a lateral vein or its branch reaching each tooth. Like other members of the birch family, hornbeam is a monoecious plant.

It has bisexual flowers that gather in male and female inflorescences - fringes. Male flowers lack perianth and bracts. Instead, the male flowers have a reddish-brown scales that cover 4 to 12 stamens. The male fringes are elongated and are about 6 cm long. The female flowers are gathered in groups of two and are covered with scales. The individual groups are gathered in female fringes. It is characteristic of the female fronds of the common hornbeam that when they are formed in the spring they are much smaller than the male fronds, but subsequently grow and reach a length of 15 cm.

In our country the ordinary hornbeam blooms in late spring. The plant bears fruit in late summer. They are ovoid in shape and are located at the base of a three-part fruit scale. The fruits ripen in autumn and when they ripen, the fruit scales become yellow in color and brittle. It is mainly found as an impurity species in beech and oak forests at an altitude of up to 1500 m. It is most common in areas with an altitude of 500 to 1000 m, where it occurs together with the species of oak and linden.

The hornbeam (Carpinus orientalis) is a small tree or shrub up to 12 m tall. Its stem is curved and ribbed, with a smooth, lead-gray bark. Its leaves are 2 to 5 cm long, noticeably smaller than those of the common hornbeam. They are double-toothed on the edge, dark green and shiny on top, and light green on the bottom. Their shape is ovoid. The fruit scale resembles a small asymmetrical leaf. The hornbeam is found in dry stony places in the lower and middle mountain belt up to 900 m above sea level.

Another famous member of the genus Gaber, which is not found in our country, is Carpinus caroliniana. It is a tree species of the Birch family. It reaches a height of 10-15 m. Its bark is smooth and gray-green, shallowly grooved in older trees. Carpinus caroliniana is distributed in the eastern United States, also grows in Canada, Mexico, Guatemala and Honduras. The largest areas with this species are in the foothills and in the lower parts of the mountains up to 900-1300 m above sea level, developing in the belt of mesophilic hornbeam and beech forests.

Composition of hornbeam

List of hornbeam are rich in tannins, aldehydes, caffeic acids, coumarins, bioflavonoids and more. Essential oils and ascorbic acid were also found. Hornbeam seeds contain a significant amount of vegetable fat.

Growing hornbeam

Hornbeam is used for single and group plantings in parks. It can be used for hedges and walls, in addition, it can withstand any shaping. Hornbeam grows slowly, preferring sufficiently moist, loose and nutrient-rich soil, although some species tolerate dry calcareous soils and do not grow favorably on waterlogged and acidic soils. In general, these trees enjoy the sun's rays, but some species prefer shady places.

Collection and storage of hornbeam

For medicinal purposes, the leaves, bark and flowers of are collected hornbeam. The leaves are collected in late summer. They are cleaned of accidental impurities and dried under a well-ventilated roof or in an oven at a temperature of up to 40 degrees. Hornbeam seeds ripen between September and November, after which they begin to disperse. Once dried in the sun, they can be stored and frozen for two years.

Benefits of hornbeam

Hornbeam leaf extract has an antimicrobial effect. Some studies have shown that hornbeam prevents the formation of atherosclerotic plaques in cerebral vessels.

Experienced Russian herbalists use infusions and decoctions of the flowers of hornbeam in the fight against brain tumors, as well as for the prevention and treatment of disorders of cerebral circulation. Hornbeam shoots are used in some countries as a means of infertility in women or at risk of abortion. Hornbeam is also effective in diarrhea.

List Gaber
List Gaber

Hornbeam is a wood of constant economic importance, as it is used to produce such valuable charcoal. In the past, hornbeam was used to make bicycles, jewelry, etc. As hornbeam is resistant to wear, it is used to make veneers, parquets, musical instruments and handles for agricultural equipment. Burning, this tree burns with a smokeless flame, so in the past it was used in bakeries.

In the Caucasus the bark of hornbeam used for tanning leather. The young leaves of hornbeam are suitable fodder for animals. The leaves and bark of hornbeam are also used to make an essential oil with a fruity aroma, which is used in cosmetics. The oil extracted from hornbeam seeds can be consumed. Decoction of hornbeam flowers helps with depression, lethargy and apathy. Restores vitality, gives energy and desire for life.

Hornbeam juice

Hornbeam juice has healing properties. It is poorer in sugars and they are practically not felt. It contains various other plant acids, as well as substances that prevent fungal infections. As a consistency and transparency, hornbeam juice resembles water. The taste, of course, is characterized by a slight woody note.

The period in which the juice can be collected is about 2-3 weeks, in late March - early April. When the hornbeam bark is injured, a significant amount of juice leaks out, which protects it. To collect the juice, a small section of the peel is removed and a hole is drilled in it, with a carved stick placed in its lower part, which collects the juice and directs it to a container.

Folk medicine with hornbeam

Russian folk medicine recommends the infusion of the flowers of hornbeam as a means of cleansing the blood vessels in the brain of harmful substances and supporting cerebral circulation. In addition, the infusion nourishes the brain and helps even with brain tumors.

To prepare a tincture of hornbeam, pour a tablespoon of flowers with 200 ml of boiling water. Leave the infusion for 1 hour and strain it. Take 1/2 teaspoon of the liquid 3 times a day for 40 days.

Harm from hornbeam

Like most herbs, hornbeam should not be used without medical knowledge, as overdose can cause disturbances in the activity of the gastrointestinal tract and kidneys.