Culinary Use Of Hyssop

Culinary Use Of Hyssop
Culinary Use Of Hyssop

Hyssop is an extremely fragrant herbaceous plant with dark blue flowers. In Bulgaria it is found mainly in the Belogradchik region. It is used both as an herb and as a spice.

The herb hyssop is used for inflammations such as coughs and stomach aches. Hyssop repair is mainly used in Southern Europe. It is used to flavor homemade liqueurs and other fruit drinks.

Legend has it that sometime in the ninth century, monks brought from the Orient several roots of a hyssop bush. They planted it in their monastery gardens. When the plant blossomed and the monastery cooks, sensing its pleasant smell, immediately began to add it to their beans and potato soups.

Hyssop has a slightly bitter taste and quite a pleasant aroma. Today it is used as a spice in dishes and soups with meat, sauces and salads. Hyssop can be used both fresh and dried for bean and potato soups, meat pâtés, cheeses, cottage cheese. It facilitates the digestion of food. In addition, it calms the nerves and causes trouble-free sleep.

Fresh petals along with buds are added to various pâtés, even minced meat. The herb is used to give a spicy taste to beef. Dried hyssop is added as follows 0.5 in soups, 0.3 in dishes and 0.2 in sauces.

Hyssop herb
Hyssop herb

In cooking, hyssop is used in combination with other spices such as dill, parsley, oregano, basil and marjoram.

If you wish, everyone can grow hyssop. This is done by buying seeds from the plant and sowing them. Thus, in addition to a useful herb and a pleasant spice in the kitchen, you will get a good addition to any flower garden.

Hyssop tea is also very tasty. It is used to treat gastrointestinal problems, gas, indigestion.

The medicinal decoction of the plant is obtained by taking 2 tsp. dried hyssop pour 1 tsp. cold water. Boil briefly, allow to simmer for 10 minutes and strain. Drink on an empty stomach.
