The Unknown Benefits Of Sage

The Unknown Benefits Of Sage
The Unknown Benefits Of Sage

Salvia is known in our country as sage. It comes from the Mediterranean and has a tart taste. Apart from being a spice, it is actively used as an herb due to its irreplaceable healing properties. Its name comes from English and means "sage, wise".

The healing benefits of sage have been known for years. It ranks among the most powerful antioxidants. It has a pronounced anti-inflammatory and blood-clotting effect.

In addition, there are a large number of useful nutrients, which is why it is added as a spice to various culinary dishes, such as soups, fillings and others. It contains a combination of vitamins B1, B2, B6, B9, K, A, C with the minerals zinc, copper, potassium, calcium, magnesium and others.

Salvia tea
Salvia tea

Sage is used both fresh and dried. Store dried sage in a tightly closed container in a dark and dry place.

Sage tea stimulates immunity. It is used for flu and colds. It also has alkalizing properties. It is recommended to be taken every day as a prophylaxis. It is used for severe menstrual pain and disturbed menstrual cycle. It has been proven to improve digestion and treat cold sores.


Research confirms that sage improves memory. It helps to improve the cognitive function of people with Alzheimer's and dementia. It is also used for insomnia, depression, fatigue, headaches. Improves the work of the cardiovascular system.

The anti-inflammatory properties of sage make it a wonderful tool for washing wounds. Conditions such as burns, bites, skin diseases, as well as gynecological diseases, such as profuse white flow, also respond well. Sage compresses relieve arthritis and injuries.

As a spice, sage is added shortly before removing the dish from the heat. In addition to strengthening the brain, it helps in the growth and building of bones. Its intake relieves ulcers and gastritis.

Salvia soothes sudden hot flashes at menopause and reduces sweating. It also treats hair loss, diseases of the respiratory system and digestive tract.
