The Unknown Benefits Of Poppy Seeds

The Unknown Benefits Of Poppy Seeds
The Unknown Benefits Of Poppy Seeds

The sleeping poppy is the raw material from which it is made yields poppy seeds. In temperate and warm climates, this annual herbaceous plant grows well. It is known to most people as a source of opiates, but this is true of some parts of it.

Here we are grows and breeds poppybecause poppy seed and oil contain almost no narcotics. In return, poppy seeds are beneficial from a health standpoint.

Poppy seed ingredients are quite valuable substances, including calcium, copper, iron, magnesium, manganese, phosphorus, selenium, zinc. They are responsible for a number of health benefits, some of which are not well knownbut very valuable.

Poppy seeds
Poppy seeds

Poppy seeds has a analgesic and antioxidant effect, helps with insomnia, as the alkaloids in it have a calming effect. The magnesium in it provides good sleep quality, ensuring peace of mind throughout the night's rest. Before going to bed is recommended warm milk with poppy seeds.

It is a valuable remedy for problems in the gastrointestinal tract and is a prevention against the formation of kidney stones.

The dried seed contains the alkaloids morphine, codeine, papaverine. Small doses of them are painkillers and have a beneficial effect on the nervous system.

Poppy seeds are very popular in cooking as an addition to pasta and pastries, sauces and various dishes. Not only that poppy seeds improves the taste of food to which it is added, but has its benefits for physiological processes in the body. The dietary fiber it contains supports intestinal peristalsis and protects against constipation. They are also a prevention against type 2 diabetes.

Benefits of poppy seeds
Benefits of poppy seeds

Poppy seeds contain and a number of B vitamins. B-complex vitamins are part of metabolic processes involving fats and carbohydrates, ie they help supply the body with energy, improve the condition of muscles, heart, skin, as well as the production of red blood cells..

Oleic and linoleic acid reduce the production of bad cholesterol and increase the levels of good.

Wounds heal faster when use of poppy seeds.

And to add poppy seeds to your menu faster, check out these delicious poppy seed cakes or poppy seed muffins.
