What Is The Difference Between Sea And Rock Salt

What Is The Difference Between Sea And Rock Salt
What Is The Difference Between Sea And Rock Salt

Cooking salt contains calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, sodium and potassium. Sodium is one of the main cations that are necessary for the proper functioning of the human body.

Sodium ions are found in blood, breast milk, pancreatic secretions and many other body fluids. The salt provides a constant osmotic pressure. Salt stores water in the body.

Sodium tones blood vessels, nerves and muscles. The propagation of nerve impulses in the body through the so-called signal transduction is regulated by sodium ions. Chlorine helps him in this task. Chlorine is responsible for the condition of the nervous and skeletal systems.

Cooking salt should not be overdone, but it should not completely deprive the body of it, as this can lead to the collapse of body systems.

types of salt
types of salt

Rock salt is used in the household. The rock salt is subjected to a special treatment. Its natural color is very dark and unpleasant, so it is subjected to artificial lightening.

In addition to sodium chloride, sea salt also contains five percent other minerals - salts of magnesium, calcium, iodine and other important substances. All these substances are present in sea water.

It is believed that sea salt is more useful for humans than rock salt, it has a healing effect on the body due to the large amount of micro and macronutrients it contains.

The composition of sea salt crystals is extremely complex and therefore no laboratory in the world is yet able to create it in artificial conditions.

Sea salt contains even gases in very small quantities - when using sea salt in cooking, the gases are released from it and the dish gets a breath of sea.

Sea water contains over 40 important chemical elements in soluble form and all of them are preserved in sea salt. Don't just use sea salt to make sauerkraut, but add it to your meals.
