What Wine Is Suitable For What Meat

What Wine Is Suitable For What Meat
What Wine Is Suitable For What Meat

There is an unwritten rule that white wine is suitable only in combination with white meat, and red - only in combination with red meat. This opinion has for many years acted as a constraint for many lovers of delicious meals, due to which the combination of wines and meats was insufficiently refined and appropriate.

The hors d'oeuvres, which prepare a person for the main course, should be light and unobtrusive, but to whet the appetite. Therefore, it is best to serve light dry wine with hors d'oeuvres. Sweet wines suppress the taste buds and so the taste of the dishes cannot be fully felt. Classic aperitifs are champagne wines.

White wine with a mild taste and refined aroma without sharp acidity is suitable for seafood and especially for oysters. The rosette is suitable for fish, as well as white wine. The hors d'oeuvres, which have an element of dough, are served with a rose.

Smoked fish goes perfectly with light white wine, light red wine or rose with subtle spices. Oily fish is combined with strong white wine.

What wine is suitable for what meat
What wine is suitable for what meat

White chicken with sauce is suitable to serve with red wine. Absolutely any wine is suitable for roasted meat. The soft taste of the dish will enhance the aroma and taste of the wine.

But white wine is served with meat with a more pronounced taste, such as duck or goose meat. White meats with spicy sauce are served with tart red wines.

Chinese food is served with sweet red wine as well as dry white wine. Beef or lamb dishes are served with quality red wine - the most suitable is Cabernet Sauvignon. Poultry, especially quail meat, is served with fruit wine.

Stewed beef is served with red wine, as this drink helps to express the taste of the dish. Pork goes well with any wine, as does turkey.
