Why Is It Harmful To Eat Desserts?

Why Is It Harmful To Eat Desserts?
Why Is It Harmful To Eat Desserts?

Many people can't imagine lunch or dinner without a finish - a delicious dessert. During the day, they also eat desserts to satisfy their hunger for sweets. They even justify to themselves that they need sweets because they are nervous, not because they can't do without it.

Consumption of desserts is harmful unless they are made mainly from fruit and using very small amounts of sugar or a useful sugar substitute such as stevia and honey.

Sugar has a bad effect on the stomach. It causes fermentation processes that affect the general condition of the human body.

Fermentation not only causes bloating, but can also cause a change in a person's mood as well as causeless irritability.

Fermentation caused by excessive amounts of sugar obtained through the consumption of desserts can cause headaches. Apathy and a feeling of exhaustion can also be caused by fermentation.

Harm from jam
Harm from jam

To get rid of the headache, one reaches for another dessert and thus a vicious circle is obtained. Excess desserts are caused by their seductive appearance.

Even when you overeat, if a good-looking dessert is served at the table, chances are you want to eat. After overeating with desserts the day after sleep, bad breath and tongue sticking may occur.

The bad habit of not chewing desserts well also causes many unpleasant processes that can lead to health problems. When the dessert bites are swallowed, they do not come into contact with saliva and important enzymes in the oral cavity.

Carbohydrates are directed to the stomach in unchanged form, where their breakdown is taken care of by the pancreas. It works in an overloaded mode, which is harmful to health.

It is good to replace harmful desserts of greasy creams and dough with dried fruits that are dried without the use of sugar, as well as with various fruit jellies and mousses prepared with sugar substitutes.
