Subtleties For A Delicious Roast Lamb

Subtleties For A Delicious Roast Lamb
Subtleties For A Delicious Roast Lamb

On Easter and St. George's Day he must be present at the table lamb, but these are just the important holidays on which we traditionally eat delicious roast lamb. This type of crumb is revered by Bulgarians all year round because lamb can be prepared in different ways and for no reason.

Subtleties in choosing lamb

When buying lamb you must be careful that the color is pink or light red, not floating in fat. The fat on it should be white. This means that the meat is from a young lamb. If the fat is yellowish, then the meat is older lamb.

Subtleties in the storage of lamb

Choice of lamb
Choice of lamb

The storage of lamb refrigerate for no more than two or three days. It is mandatory that the meat is covered with cling film or packed.

Subtleties in flavoring lamb

Before preparing your delicious roast lamb, the meat is cleared of excess skins and fat. Lamb is dried meat. That is why when cooking this meat it is good to marinate it for a few hours before roasting. If you have time, make the marinade from oil, black pepper, paprika and garlic. The amount of these spices depends on how much meat we will cook. Leave the lamb in this marinade overnight. This will make it fragile.

The lamb is salted just before roasting.

By itself roasting lamb you need to add extra fat.

Before you put the lamb to roast, it should be at room temperature. If the meat is frozen, it must be completely melted before you start cooking it.

Subtleties in roasting lamb

Roast lamb
Roast lamb

The oven must be preheated to 200 - 220 degrees.

IN the tray with the lamb you can add wine, beer, water, marinade, green onion leaves and more. Choose the spices to your liking. Do not overdo it with spices, because lamb has a specific strong aroma.

Cover the pan with the lamb leg or shoulder with cling film.

Bake in a strong oven for about 30 - 40 minutes. Then reduce the oven to 180 degrees. Bake at this temperature for another hour and remove the foil. Leave for 20 minutes to catch the crust, and remove.

After removing the finished lamb, cover again with cling film for 15-20 minutes to rest.
