Bob And Lentils Keep Us Full For A Long Time

Bob And Lentils Keep Us Full For A Long Time
Bob And Lentils Keep Us Full For A Long Time

The feeling of hunger 2 hours after we have a steady breakfast or lunch often catches us and takes us out of control at the most inopportune moment.

In such cases, the feeling we experience is an appetite for some kind of food rather than hunger, but even so, it still makes us reach for some snacks, biscuits or something sweet and high in calories.

To balance your hunger and appetite, you need to learn which foods are best to eat at what time of day. Some food products are able not to cause hunger in our country for hours.

Such are legumes. If you eat lentils, a dish of ripe beans at lunch, the hunger will not "call" for at least another 4-5 hours. Boiled potatoes combined with some vegetables have a similar effect as legumes.

Extremely tasty, useful and filling combination is a salad of boiled potatoes, grated carrots and a little onion. Season it with drops of olive oil and vinegar and forget about food for the next few hours.


If you are a fan of pasta, it is best to combine them with fresh or stewed vegetables, cheese or yellow cheese. Fig or plum compote can easily satisfy your wolf's appetite.

Prepare it by pouring half a kilo of fruit with 3 liters of water and cook until it evaporates to 2.5 liters. The drink prepared in this way is drunk by ½ tsp. before eating and ensures fast satiety and ingestion of smaller amounts of food.

Be sure to eat breakfast to avoid starvation during the next hours of the day. Choose oatmeal, muesli in combination with fruit or yogurt. 2 eggs with orange juice are one of the most complete snacks. During the day, if hunger strikes again at the wrong time, lure it with a handful of nuts, some fruits or vegetables.

To save yourself from copious amounts of food, there are some subtleties that are not related to the type and amount of your food. Forget about eating on foot. It is a prerequisite for swallowing larger amounts in negative time, so always have lunch sitting at a table. Wear tighter clothes because they will not allow you to overeat.
