Health Benefits Of Acorns

Health Benefits Of Acorns
Health Benefits Of Acorns

The fruits of the oak have been used since time immemorial in folk medicine. Due to their rich composition in ancient times, small nuts have been used as a remedy for many diseases. These forest gifts are rich in protein, carbohydrates, sugars, tannins, oils, tannins and especially starch.

Acorns help in the treatment of gums and toothache, are useful in various types of poisoning. In addition, oak acorns have a beneficial effect on the digestive system: their decoction is used in gastric disorders, acute and chronic colitis.

If you have a problem with diabetes, you can count on it again acorns. For treatment you need to get mature acorns, which are dried and ground to a powder.

The medicinal ingredient is taken 1 tsp. together with tea 3 times a day. For optimal results, you should take acorn treatment seriously, as it should last at least 1 month. For stomach problems and more specifically for colitis, apply the same treatment.

In heart disease it is good to drink coffee from acorns. Grind the ground acorns in a pan, stirring until dark. Then leave to cool for 1 hour. It is brewed as coffee - 1 teaspoon per 1 cup of water.

acorn coffee
acorn coffee

Milk and sugar can be added. This coffee is often recommended for children with cough, bronchitis, asthma. It turns out that this is a very tasty drink, similar to milk with cocoa, which has a very invigorating effect.

The juice of greens acorns it helps with nervous diseases, anemia and prolonged menstruation. The cleaned acorns are placed in a meat grinder or chopper, after which the juice is squeezed through several gauze. Take 2 tbsp. with 2 tbsp. honey several times a day before meals.

It should be known that raw fruits pose a health hazard because they contain the toxic substance quercetin. When soaked or heated, the poison is destroyed and the acorns become harmless.
