Benefits Of Isomalt

Benefits Of Isomalt
Benefits Of Isomalt

Mankind has been looking for harmless sugar substitutes for years. There are many types on the market, but a number of them are claimed to only seemingly do no harm to the body, and in fact the opposite is true. For one of them, however, it is certain that it is harmless. This is isomalt.

Isomalt falls into the group of synthetic substitutes such as saccharin, cyclamate, aspartame, potassium acesulfame and others. These natural sweeteners are absorbed by the body and, like regular sugar, provide the person with the necessary energy.

Isomalate is the most commonly used sweetener in the production of sugar-free foods after aspartame. The best thing about it is that it is naturally obtained, which is why it is absolutely harmless.

It is extracted from sugar from beets, the ingredients of which are processed by a special, two-stage method. In our country there is still an unknown product, which, however, clearly shows a tendency to quickly become established.

One of the advantages of isomalt is the natural taste of sugar it has. It does not feel additives to mask unpleasant sensations, as with other sweeteners. In addition, it boasts a minimum amount of calories.


Therefore, this sweetener is often recommended for people who want to lose and control their weight in a harmless way. Isomalate is broken down and absorbed slowly, giving the body a feeling of satiety long after ingestion.

Among other things, isomalt is good for teeth. With its stable molecular structure, it protects teeth from damage and the development of various harmful microorganisms in the mouth.

By consuming foods sweetened with isomalt, we enjoy their sweet taste without worrying about the risk of tooth decay.

Unlike sugar and most sweeteners, isomalt is suitable for diabetics. The body reacts to it with extremely low levels of glucose and insulin - important for the well-being of patients.

Thus, the body is not burdened, and due to the slow decomposition of the product, the body is provided with the necessary time to process it completely.
