In France, They Make A Wish With A Pancake

In France, They Make A Wish With A Pancake
In France, They Make A Wish With A Pancake

In France, there has long been a tradition of turning a pancake in the pan to make a wish. If a person holds the handle of the pan with one hand and a coin with the other, the wish will come true.

The largest pancake in the world was fifteen meters in diameter, almost three centimeters thick and weighed three tons. It was fried in Rochdale, Manchester.

In England, pancake races are held, in which many people compete by running and throwing hot pancakes on pans at the same time.

The first pancake race took place in the distant 1445. In Russia, there was a custom of giving a pancake to a woman before giving birth, and during a funeral, people ate pancakes.

In order not to form lumps during the preparation of the pancake dough, it is good to add a little salt to the milk and mix it well beforehand.

Pancakes with Jam
Pancakes with Jam

To make thin pancakes that look like lace, do not use cold eggs and cold milk. Remove the products from the refrigerator and let them stand for a while.

For the perfect pancakes you will need one tea cup of flour, four egg yolks, four egg whites, two teaspoons of milk, three tablespoons of melted butter, a pinch of salt, a pinch of sugar.

Beat the melted butter with the raw egg yolks and sugar, dilute with the milk and, stirring constantly, add the flour until a liquid dough is obtained.

Then add the pre-whipped egg whites and salt. Pour in a thin layer on a small hot pan, which you greased with oil using sliced potatoes.
