Sugar - White Death Or Just Need

Sugar - White Death Or Just Need
Sugar - White Death Or Just Need

Many people are absolutely sure of that sugar is white death. And others think we can't live without it. Let us now try to understand together where the truth is.

As is known, completely harmful or useful products do not exist. And sugar is no exception. It also has its pros and cons.

The benefits of sugar

● Recently, Polish doctors conducted an independent study, which generally showed the following indisputable fact: that a sugar-free human body will not last long. Sugar activates blood circulation in the brain and spinal cord. And in case of complete denial of sugar, sclerosis can occur.

● Scientists have found that sugar significantly reduces the risk of plaque formation in blood vessels and thus prevents thrombosis.

● Arthritis is much less common in people who love sweets and do not limit themselves to sweets than people who have completely given up pleasure.

● Sugar supports the work of the liver and spleen. That is why people with diseases of these organs are often recommended a diet high in sugary foods.


The harm of sugar

● Sweet products spoil the figure. Sugar is a high-calorie product, and contains virtually no vitamins, fiber and minerals. In addition, sugar enters the body in combination with fat in the form of cakes and pastries, which destroys the slender figure.

● Refined sugar is absorbed quickly and leads to a momentary increase in blood glucose levels. Glucose is the "fuel" needed for the work of muscles, organs and cells in the human body. But if you lead a sedentary lifestyle and the body is not able to quickly consume this amount of fuel, the excess glucose is sent to fat stores. This leads not only to extra pounds, but also to overload the pancreas.

● Sugar is harmful to teeth, although not directly. It contributes to the formation of caries. The main culprit for the holes in the teeth are plaques - a microscopic film of bacteria, food particles and saliva. Combining with dental plaque, sugar increases the level of acidity in the mouth. This destroys the tooth enamel and the teeth begin to decay.


How many grams of sugar should we eat a day?

Nutritionists believe that one adult a day can eat about 60 grams of sugar. Anything above this norm can be harmful. Three cookies, for example, contain about 20 grams of sugar. 50 grams of chocolate - 60 grams of sugar. Apple - 10 grams of sugar. A glass of orange juice - 20 grams.

According to statistics, the average American consumes about 190 grams of sugar a day. Which exceeds three times the allowable dose.
