Let's Prepare Chili Step By Step

Let's Prepare Chili Step By Step
Let's Prepare Chili Step By Step

Do you want something exotic and spicy? Then cook chili for dinner. We are not talking about the familiar hot sauce that can be found in stores, but about the beloved delicacy overseas. It is made from minced beef, onions, garlic and very, very hot peppers. Tomatoes and beans are typical for the spicy dish, but depending on the imagination of the chef, other products can be added. The original chili recipe is believed to be Mexican, but over the years the spicy dish has become part of American cuisine and is considered a national culinary treasure in Texas.

Here's how to make chili step by step without having to take an overseas trip.

Necessary products: One medium-sized onion, two cloves of garlic, two tablespoons of olive oil, one kilogram of minced beef, half a kg of tomato paste, half a kg of tomato sauce, two tomatoes, three tablespoons. hot red pepper, one tbsp. cumin, salt and pepper to taste, two red hot peppers, a small can of boiled beans.

step 1

Finely chop the garlic, peppers and onions. Cut the tomatoes into larger cubes.

Step 2

Boil the meat. The original recipe required the meat to be lightly fried and then simmered in tomato sauce for eight hours on low heat. Unfortunately, no one has enough time for this in our hectic daily lives. In fact, chicken can be used instead of beef, which will allow it to cook faster, but our goal is to be as close as possible to the traditional Mexican dish.

Recipe for chili
Recipe for chili

Photo: Nina Ivanova Ivanova

Step 3

Fry the vegetables in olive oil.

Step 4

Add the meat.

Step 5

Add the tomato juice, tomato paste and canned beans.

Step 6

Wait for the products to boil. Add the spices and simmer on low heat for about 30 minutes until the tomato sauce begins to evaporate.

Step 7

Your chili is almost ready. Only the decoration remains. You can grate gouda cheese on top before serving or put round slices of avocado or onion rings on the side of the plate.
