Celery Heals Thorns?

Celery Heals Thorns?
Celery Heals Thorns?

The main application of celery is in cooking. However, it also has several healing properties that are not given enough attention. Celery can save you from the thorns and eliminate the terrible feeling of discomfort and stiffness.

Spikes are an extremely unpleasant problem that is difficult to solve. There are many types of medicines in Bulgarian folk medicine with different herbs and other ingredients, but not all of them are effective enough. Celery, however, is a really good helper in this fight. It melts the spikes.

Spikes are joint inflammations that limit the patient's actions. He experiences pain when moving or most often has a restriction when moving. The causes of thorns can be varied - the well-known stress, family burden, improper posture, poor movement habits, age. They most often appear in the neck, hips, spine.

It is important to clarify that celery lowers blood pressure, so people with low blood pressure should consult a doctor before resorting to this type of treatment. If you experience any symptoms of low blood pressure while taking the medicine, stop using it. This is the only side effect.


Here is a recipe that can relieve your pain and allow you to move more freely:

For the first recipe you will need about 30 heads celeryas well as yogurt. Grate one of the heads and add to it 2 tablespoons of yogurt. Then you have to eat the mixture and it doesn't matter what time of day you do it. The next step is to grate a head of celery again and mix it with milk - continue with this treatment until the heads of celery run out.

After 5 days, take 1 day off. It is good after the first cycle to take a break for about 7 - 10 days. You should not give up easily. However, keep in mind that we are talking about folk medicine, which needs more time to work. After the rest period, do the same cycle again. Persistence is required to obtain the desired end effect.
