What Happens After You Take A Sip Of Milk

What Happens After You Take A Sip Of Milk
What Happens After You Take A Sip Of Milk

Milk is a useful food product, rich in water, carbohydrates, fats, proteins, vitamins.

The very digestive process of milk begins in the oral cavity, where under the influence of the acidity of saliva begins decomposition. From there, the dairy product enters the esophagus and stomach.

Gastric juices continue to break down food and help kill live bacteria. From there, the milk enters the small intestine, where it absorbs the individual substances derived from broken down milk, namely amino acids, proteins, fatty acids. The remaining, unnecessary ingredients are pushed to the colon and rectum, and the fluids to the bladder.

Digestion of milk and various dairy products is a process that is difficult for some people, causing gastrointestinal discomfort.

This is because some people show lactose intolerance. It means that they lack the digestive enzyme lactase, which the body needs to break down lactose (a type of sugar) in milk and other dairy products.

Lactase is a key enzyme in the absorption of lactose, which is produced in the small intestine. However, if the body does not produce enough of it, the body becomes sensitive to lactose. If it is to a lesser degree and there is still some minimal production of lactase in the body, the result of the consumption of milk and dairy products leads to the formation of gas, bloating, cramps and diarrhea.

Usually the first symptoms appear within 1-2 hours after taking the dairy food. Naturally, there is also a genetic predisposition, ie. from birth, some newborns are prone to lactose intolerance.

The gene responsible for lactase production is called the LCT gene and is located on chromosome 21. Accordingly, damage to this gene can lead to lactose deficiency.
