What Happens To Food After Oscar Night?

What Happens To Food After Oscar Night?
What Happens To Food After Oscar Night?

The spectacular Hollywood parties, in addition to the brilliance and the awards, are inevitably connected with the lavish offers and achievements of numerous catering companies.

Have you ever wondered what happens to all the delicious and incredibly expensive, exquisite food prepared for the Oscars?

It's no secret that the majority of stars are on year-round strict diets and diets that are unlikely to allow them to even taste the irresistible bites arranged elegantly in shape and color. This is the main reason why most of the food remains intact even after the end of the big event. Is all this thrown away?

No! Do not rush to criticize the stars. Almost always, the exquisite delicacies for this event are prepared in advance by famous chefs such as Wolfgang Puck, who over the years have concluded agreements with charities.

In this way, even the poorest and neediest have the opportunity to taste the food of celebrities and feel pampered and cared for, even if only for a day or two.

The chef for the night of the Oscars - Jackie Kelly shares: After 11 pm (on the night of the Oscars), when the emotions begin to subside, the event subsides slightly and the stars begin to disperse, we look at what is left on the tables.

Then everything is collected, carefully packaged and sent to places in Los Angeles, Arizona and Nevada, thus helping charities, which in addition to shelter give the needy and various delicacies that have hardly ever tasted.

This year's Oscars, and rather what happened to food after the glamorous evening, were also supported by the poor millionaire actress Freuda Pinto, who, in partnership with a suitable food company, organized the donation of the untouched food. She wrote on her personal Instagram account: Surplus is not glamorous, but feeding someone is!
