What Are Amino Acids

What Are Amino Acids
What Are Amino Acids

Amino acids generally form proteins in the human body. They are divided into irreplaceable and replaceable and are extremely important for muscle development.

What are the essential amino acids?

They are called irreplaceable because the body does not produce them, but we have to take them through food, supplements or medicines. These are leucine, isoleucine, lysine, methionine, threonine, tryptophan, valine and phenylalvinine. Essential amino acids should be taken with food on a daily basis, as their lack in the body can cause a delay in the development of the body and serious metabolic disorders.

Why are they called essential amino acids?

They are interchangeable because the body can only produce them if it needs them.

Sources of amino acids are protein-rich foods such as fish, legumes, dairy products, meat and more.

Essential amino acids are more abundant in foods of animal origin and are therefore more recommended. But animal foods also contain a higher percentage of fat.

The proteins we take in with food are broken down in the body into amino acids. Then they reach the organs and tissues, thanks to the blood. Once they have reached their end point, they begin to perform their functions.

What do we need amino acids for?

They are involved in the growth and development of muscle tissue and help to restore it. The body can produce more than 50,000 different proteins and more than 15,000 enzymes if it has absorbed the necessary amino acids. Among other things, amino acids have a serious effect on mood, sex drive, concentration and sleep.

How to get amino acids?

We add enough amino acids through food and no additional preparations are needed. Athletes who need to gain muscle mass faster and therefore more endurance most often resort to various supplements.
