Tea For Eternal Youth

Tea For Eternal Youth
Tea For Eternal Youth

Green tea, also called virgin tea, is one of the best cleansing teas for the body. Green tea is made from the leaves of Camellia Sinensis, a plant that grows in over 50 countries, from Russia to Argentina and from Brazil to Mozambique.

India, Sri Lanka, Kenya and China are the most popular countries for the production of green tea and they are certainly among the most loyal consumers, as in these countries the qualities of green tea are most valued.

Green tea has been known to humans for thousands of years and has been used for just as long, but mankind only began cultivating it in 350 BC in China and in 700 BC in Japan. On the Asian continent, it is valued as a medicinal herb rather than just a drink. Asians maintain this tradition, they are somehow addicted to this drink, they drink it as if it were water.

Some myths say that this is why Asians always look so young and there are never wrinkles on their skin, as is the case with all other people, and in the heyday of their lives, they look like children.

Green tea is considered a miraculous medicine for maintaining health. Tea has an extraordinary power that prolongs life. Green tea has various essential oils in its composition, such as caffeine, theine, flavonoids, teflavin, vitamin C, tannin, protein, iron, fluorine, calcium and several other substances in smaller quantities, but the most important component is epigallocatechin gallate.

Jug with green tea
Jug with green tea

It seems that all these substances that protect us from stress are explained by the simple fact that they are able to fight free radicals from pollution, such as cigarette smoke, flue gas smoke, ultraviolet rays and others. They all manage to make the usual hot drink of green tea - one of the best antioxidants, diuretics, brain stimulants, stimulators of fat burning processes and a protective factor against cancer and aging.

Among the positive effects we can list: low blood pressure, diuretic action, antioxidant action, it lowers blood cholesterol levels, improves blood circulation and digestion, and the latest research would say that green tea controls Alzheimer's disease. Improves the blood supply to the skin, fights tooth decay due to fluoride intake, tones and fights depression.

Japanese researchers have shown that the tannin contained in tea leaves slows down the aging of tissues, much more and much more effectively than vitamin E. Green tea is a good way to normalize metabolism, stabilize weight and the secret of eternal youth.
