Melon For Health And Beauty

Melon For Health And Beauty
Melon For Health And Beauty

Melon is highly valued for its taste and dietary properties. In summer it is one of the most sought after desserts. Juicy melon contains easily digestible sugars, starch, proteins, vitamins, pectins, organic acids, mineral salts.

Melon is useful in anemia, cardiovascular disease, liver and kidney disease, as well as gout and rheumatism. Melon is rich in silicon - it depends on the condition of hard tissues, skin and hair.

Silicon affects the cerebral cortex, it is necessary for the good condition of the nerves, the work of the intestines, the digestive tract and all internal organs.

Melon contains more vitamin C than watermelon. The cellulose in it has a good effect on the gastric microflora, helps to expel harmful cholesterol from the body and improves the digestive process.

Melon has rejuvenating properties. In Eastern countries it is said that the melon makes the hair shiny, the eyes young, the lips fresh, the desires strong, the possibilities fulfilling, the men desirable, and the women wonderful.

Melon slices
Melon slices

Melon is eaten fresh, but also served dried, in the form of jam, marmalade or jam, as a compote and as candied pieces of fruit.

Melon is rich in vitamin PP, carotene, folic acid and iron. This fruit is useful in constipation, atherosclerosis, hemorrhoids, diseases of the blood, kidneys and cardiovascular system.

Melon is used to strengthen the nervous system. Melon contains substances that help produce serotonin - the hormone of happiness. However, it is not recommended for diabetics and people with liver disease.

To choose a ripe melon, there are a few tricks. Look at the stem - it should be thick and dry. Press the bark on the opposite side of the stem. The bark should give in slightly to pressure.

Ripe melon has a strong aroma. This fruit should be heavy and make a thick deafening sound when tapped. The saturated color of the inside of the melon indicates the presence of a lot of vitamin A in it.
