Oregano Neutralizes Free Radicals

Oregano Neutralizes Free Radicals
Oregano Neutralizes Free Radicals

Oregano is an extremely popular spice and herb - it has been used since the time of the ancient Greeks, from Greek the name of oregano is translated as a joy from the mountains. Oregano is an extremely rich source of magnesium, sodium, manganese. It also has antibacterial and last but not least antioxidant properties.

Thanks to the large amount of fiber it contains, oregano helps to stabilize cholesterol levels, as well as to release toxins accumulated in the body.

Aromatic oregano contains thymol - it and another phytonutrient contained in oregano - rosemary acid, are extremely popular. They are widely used in the cosmetics industry as antioxidants and are able to eliminate the harmful effects of free radicals, according to various studies.

Free radicals are associated with many degenerative diseases - atherosclerosis, cardiovascular disease, and oregano is a great natural shield against these diseases.

Oregano also helps with prostate cancer, according to a study conducted at the University of Long Island. Scientists have found that carvacrol, which is the active ingredient in oregano, causes cell death in tumor cells.

Regan and Rosemary
Regan and Rosemary

Researchers hope that oregano will be included in the treatment of this disease - according to them, the herb can successfully replace some of the traditional methods of treatment.

The antioxidant activity of oregano is even greater than that of tomatoes - by about 30 times, as well as oranges - approximately 12 times. Compared to apples, oregano is 40 times more powerful antioxidant, research shows.

In Bulgarian folk medicine the herb is recommended for colic, inflammatory diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Helps with bronchitis, liver disease, agitation, lack of menstruation and more.

Oregano stimulates the appetite and successfully helps with constipation. The aromatic herb can help with insect bites, and last but not least - it strengthens the immune system.
