Is Zinc Deficiency Dangerous?

Is Zinc Deficiency Dangerous?
Is Zinc Deficiency Dangerous?

Our bones can not do without phosphorus, magnesium, calcium, vitamin D, but also without zinc. As far back as five thousand years ago, the ancient Egyptians used zinc paste to heal wounds.

One hundred years ago, it became clear that zinc was needed not only by humans but also by plants and animals. Wounds in animals and humans heal faster if they eat zinc-rich foods.

Patients suffering from alcoholism, atherosclerosis, wounds, cirrhosis, heart disease have zinc deficiency. Intensive treatment with cortisone, some birth control pills, too sweet or too salty foods lead to this lack.

Zinc is a necessary element for bone formation. Not only children but also adults constantly rebuild their skeletal cells, and this process is associated with metabolism.

If the metabolism is disturbed, the bones become porous. Zinc is one of two substances, along with taurine, that can lead to the development of epilepsy in their acute absence.

Vitamin A, which is found in the liver, acts only in the presence of zinc. If we do not have enough zinc, no matter how much we cram in vitamin A, it will not be absorbed by the body. Without zinc, this vitamin cannot get out of the liver, and the blood cannot spread it to the skin and eyes.

Is zinc deficiency dangerous?
Is zinc deficiency dangerous?

For lack of zinc in children, poor appetite, stunted growth, the desire to lick and swallow metal objects, poor hair condition testify.

Zinc is found in wheat bran and sprouts. In combination with products that contain vitamin C, zinc is an ideal remedy for colds.

If you have problems with the skin of the hands, focus on products that contain zinc and vitamin A. During pregnancy, it is especially important to take products high in zinc, because this element helps to shape the genitals of boys.

Inflammation of the prostate can be cured with products that contain zinc.

Lack of zinc can be caused by thyroid dysfunction, liver disease, zinc deficiency in food and water, as well as eating foods that are high in protein.

Zinc is found in apples, oranges, lemons, figs, green vegetables, mineral water. Honey, raspberries, dates, sea fish, milk, beets, asparagus, tomatoes, celery, potatoes, turnips and bread contain zinc.

It is also found in eggs, chicken and rabbit meat, squid, beef liver, pumpkin and sunflower seeds.
