They Sell Pretzels With Aspartame In Kyustendil

They Sell Pretzels With Aspartame In Kyustendil
They Sell Pretzels With Aspartame In Kyustendil

The owner of a small pastry shop in Kyustendil, who was caught offering pasta with a high content of aspartame, was fined heavily.

Aspartame is a synthetic sweetener that is used as a sugar substitute and is a dipeptide of the amino acids aspartic acid and phenylalanine. It is widely used in the production of food and carbonated and non-carbonated soft drinks.

Products containing asparam must bear the warning label "Contains phenylalanine" on their labels. The European code under which aspartame is marked as a food supplement is E951.


Suspicions of unauthorized use of sweeteners arose in an employee of the regional directorate of the Bulgarian Food Safety Agency, who bought a pretzel for lunch from the pastry shop in question.

The pretzel had a peculiar odor and an unpleasant taste, which is why the inspector sent it to the laboratory of the inspection agency.

After research, it turned out that the dough product contains a synthetic sweetener aspartame in quantities that exceed many times the permissible norms.

The sanction for the violation found by the inspectors in the processing technology or in the information written on the label is in the amount of BGN 1,000 for the first violation and reaches BGN 3,000 for a second offense.
