Tips For Making The Perfect Bruschettas

Tips For Making The Perfect Bruschettas
Tips For Making The Perfect Bruschettas

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At first glance, it may seem that the preparation of this delicious Italian appetizer is simple, but even such an ordinary dish has its own rules and stages of preparation.

If you think to make irresistibly delicious bruschettas, it is enough to bake a piece of bread and then season it with olive oil and finely chopped tomatoes, you are wrong. To prepare the perfect bruschetta, you must follow strict rules!


Let's start with the bread that is the basis of this recipe.

Ideally, use homemade and freshly baked bread, as it has a crispy crust and a compact structure. Such bread perfectly absorbs the spice without crumbling in the hands.

We do not recommend the use of sliced and packaged bread, frozen bread in a package or wholemeal bread from the supermarket. All this is far from the original recipe.


perfect bruschettas
perfect bruschettas

Bruschetta bread should be warm and crispy. You can achieve this by keeping it in the oven for a while, or in a pan without oil, but one bruschetta it will never be as tasty as the one made from slices of bread lightly grilled.

Just cut the bread into fairly thick slices and then bake it for one or two minutes on each side until golden brown on the outside (do not overdo it, the middle should remain soft).


Then spread fresh garlic cloves on the bread (while still warm) and pour olive oil. Sprinkle lightly with quality salt.

Finally, we recommend the summer classic: fresh tomatoes with a few basil leaves.

If you have many guests, prepare the dressing for the bruschettas in advance: cut the tomatoes into small pieces and season them with olive oil, adding basil and salt.

Then, when the slices of bread are ready, immediately place the filling on top and serve the bruschettas on the table.

Another secret of the perfect bruschetta is its instantaneous consumption.

The bread must be cooked, seasoned and then eaten immediately, otherwise the dressing will soak it, which makes the slices not so crispy, but soft and moist.
