Let's Raise Our Vitality

Let's Raise Our Vitality
Let's Raise Our Vitality

In the spring, everyone suffers from exhaustion and unstable health - due to a lack of vitamins, a sedentary lifestyle and bad habits such as maintaining vigor using coffee.

If you sleep badly, feel anxious, and even your favorite hobby does not bring the same pleasure as before, if you feel a general weakness, forget more often than usual - then it's time to raise your vitality.

To begin with, the deficiencies of vitamins that are a consequence of the winter period must be filled. You can focus on fruits and vegetables or just replace them with various vitamin complexes from the pharmacy. However, during this period it is advisable to remove the vegetable peels to avoid a lot of nitrates.

The weather now allows you to start daily walks in the air. They will not only reduce the oxygen deficiency in the blood, but will also improve blood circulation.

In addition, oxygen and sunbathing will improve the complexion, and the body will receive the necessary vitamin D, which is obtained only from the sun's rays. Try to spend as much time outside as possible - go to work on foot, drink coffee outdoors and, if you can, spend the whole weekend in nature.

Let's raise our vitality
Let's raise our vitality

Nutrition is also very important. Freshly squeezed juices are another way to get the vitamins you need. Make juices or purees, try vitamin salads - grated apple with carrots or whatever you like.

Chamomile or mint tea also has a very beneficial effect, as well as rose hips or blueberries. Add to your diet dried fruits, nuts, which you can grind with a meat grinder and mix with honey. The result is something very tasty and terribly useful for the body.

Do not forget about the useful properties of sprouts. You can now find them not only in specialty stores, but also in any major grocery store chain, and you can make them yourself.

Sprouts can be used as a base or addition to salads, you can add them to soups or just use them as an addition to muesli. Wheat and oat sprouts will fill the deficiencies of vitamin B and ascorbic acid.
