Healing Properties Of Fenugreek

Healing Properties Of Fenugreek
Healing Properties Of Fenugreek

Fenugreek is a plant that belongs to the legume family. The stem is hollow and reaches a height of one meter. Its flowers are yellow and after flowering they form pods in which the seeds are located. It is from the seeds of the plant that the spice fenugreek is made, which is one of the main ingredients of the well-known colorful salt.

The healing properties of fenugreek have been known since ancient times. Due to its antiseptic action it is used against wounds and abscesses, rheumatism and eczema. It has been used internally to treat bronchitis and digestive problems.

Fenugreek stimulates metabolism and lowers blood sugar. Due to its strong aroma, it awakens the appetite and also restores strength after illness.

Its leaves are especially rich in iron and vitamins. Helps with acute coughs and respiratory problems.

Helps with menstrual problems, increases libido in men and serves as an aphrodisiac. As early as ancient China, healers used it for problems with male potency.

After proper treatment, the seeds can be used in making ointments to treat various skin infections, and in cosmetics it is used in some balms and tonics.

An interesting fact for nursing mothers is that fenugreek can increase breast milk up to 72 hours after ingestion. This is the reason why today's women take it in pill form.

According to French researchers, its seeds contain substances that stimulate the pancreas to release digestive enzymes, and this is how fenugreek helps digestion.

Fenugreek ointments are also used in the presence of boils and cellulite, and sprouted seeds of the plant are even used for labor pains.

Fenugreek is used to relieve fever. One teaspoon is boiled for about 5 minutes in 200 ml of water. The strained decoction is given every 15 minutes on one tablespoon. In addition to lowering the fever, due to its anti-inflammatory effect it will also relieve sore throats. It is especially important and useful to get fenugreek during the winter months, when the body is at risk of influenza infections.

In addition to being an excellent remedy, fenugreek is regularly used in the preparation of trout, sausages, sausages and other delicacies from meat and fish.

Fenugreek can be combined with other spices such as savory, paprika, parsley, dill and mint. Due to its strong aroma, it easily absorbs odors and therefore it is recommended that fenugreek be stored separately.
