

Valerian / Valeriana officinalis / is a perennial herbaceous plant of the dicotyledonous family, also known as dilyanka. It has a straight stem, grooved longitudinally and cylindrically, up to 1.5-2 meters high. The leaves are pale pink and the fruit resembles an ovoid nut, with a light brown color and a kite.

The rhizome is short and thick, and numerous tufted, thickened roots emerge from its base. The flowers of valerian are white and purple, gathered in thyroid inflorescences. The flowering period is from early spring to May-August.


Valerian is used as a medicinal plant since ancient times, the earliest evidence of which is from ancient Greece and Rome. Hippocrates was the first to describe its properties, and later Galen began to recommend it as a cure for insomnia. In Sweden in the Middle Ages, it was put on the groom's clothes to repel evil elves.

Composition of valerian

The herb contains borneol, camphene, citric, isovaleric acid. Contains from 0.1 to 2% of essential oil. The monoterpene alkaloids actinidine and valerian, as well as the valeopotriates, are of the greatest therapeutic importance.

Collection and storage of valerian

The species is not protected by the Biodiversity Act, but in 2012 the collection of valerian as a natural herb for production and commercial purposes was banned. Preparations with dilyanka can be purchased from pharmacies and specialty stores. The roots of the plot are used for medicinal purposes.

Benefits of valerian

The roots of valerian have a calming effect on insomnia, have an effective soporific effect. Valerian is used for mental and nervous fatigue, nervous excitement, neurosis and palpitations.

It is used to treat epilepsy, but in combination with other herbs. Valerian has an excellent balancing effect - when tired it helps to mobilize the nervous system, and when overexcited it strengthens the retention processes in the brain. It has a calming effect on the central nervous system.

In addition to various nervous conditions, valerian is used for goiter, painful menstruation, menopausal disorders, hysteria, migraine. Weakens smooth muscle spasms and regulates heart activity.

It is used in the initial stage of hypertension, in spasms of the gastrointestinal tract, bile ducts and others. Valerian soothes acute agitation as a result of mental trauma. It has a useful healing effect in disorders of the coronary circulation, calms the pulse.

Valerian herb
Valerian herb

Folk medicine with valerian

Aqueous extract of valerian is made as 1 tbsp. finely chopped roots are soaked in 1 tsp. water for 24 hours, then strain. The aqueous extract is used for inhalations in disease states caused by nervous disorders.

Inhalations with valerian have a very good soporific effect, normalize heart function and increase self-esteem.

Massage is an essential valerian oil is recommended for gastrointestinal spasms due to nervous disorders. Baths with a decoction of valerian root is used to calm the nerves in neuroses, have a soporific effect without having the negative side effects of sleeping pills.

In the form of tincture valerian is used to treat restless legs syndrome. This is a condition in which a person feels that he has to constantly move his legs to stop the spasms. Unpleasant symptoms usually worsen at night.

Folk phytocosmetics recommend the use of valerian oil in case of hypersensitivity of the skin to the soil. Take one rhizome, cut it into small pieces and stuff it in a bottle of 200 ml to the top, pour olive oil and close it well.

The bottle should stand for 2 weeks in a sunny place. After this period, the skin begins to be lubricated with the resulting olive extract.

Harm from valerian

As a whole valerian is a proven drug without side effects, its use requires caution in people with hypersensitivity. Prolonged use or overdose causes symptoms such as drowsiness, dizziness, increased blood clotting and digestive problems.
