Foods, A Source Of Pine

Foods, A Source Of Pine
Foods, A Source Of Pine

Until recently, it was not included among the elements important for the functions of the body the trace element boron. Recent research on it, however, shows that it was a gap caused by ignorance of all the benefits it has on the body. The microelement participates in the processes of transport of substances in the body, acting as a guardian of cell membranes.

In nature, we most often find it as part of compounds. It is grouped with B vitamins as well as vitamin C.

Through bora the ions that want to enter the cell space are stopped or missed. Therefore, it is needed for brain function and the immune system.

Tests have shown that even a small deficiency of boron leads to problems with concentration and impaired vestibular system.

In the synthesis of sex hormones - estrogen and testosterone, the main role is played by boron. The good balance of the microelement prevents the hormonal content in men and women from being depleted during the critical age.

It stops the wear and tear of the articular cartilage. In order to preserve the most important element for bones - calcium, the trace element boron is needed. It protects people from arthritis, especially with age.

It is not yet completely established the amount of boron needed for a day. Assumptions lead to 1-3 milligrams per day. As the intake of supplements is difficult due to the danger of side effects, the best and most pleasant way remains to get with food that is a source of boron.

The largest quantities boron is contained in nuts. If you need the trace element, it will be obtained by consuming hazelnuts - 2200 micrograms per 100 grams of nuts, in almonds, peanuts and walnuts.

From the fruits most pine has in peaches. They are followed by pears, cranberries, raisins, apricots, blackcurrants.

The vegetables with which we can replenish the stocks of pine in the body are: white and black radish, beets, celery, cucumbers, chicory, peas, lentils.

Rye, buckwheat, oats, millet, wheat and others are distinguished from cereals with good boron content.

From dairy products we find it in powdered and skimmed milk, Emmental cheese.

It is also found in some fish such as cod, mackerel, sardines, liver and egg yolk.

Foods that can give the body the necessary amounts bor, are enough for everyone to choose according to their preferences, satisfying the body's need for this important trace element, the role of which we did not even guess.
