Collection And Storage Of Sumac

Collection And Storage Of Sumac
Collection And Storage Of Sumac

Sumac has many names. It is also known as tetra, but in different parts of Bulgaria you can find it as smradlek, smradlyak, tetere, tetrya and others.

The sumac is a widespread herb in our country. However, its overexploitation is increasingly threatening the deposits. Therefore, it is recommended to limit the extraction from the deposits to 70%. In addition, such collection should be repeated only after two or three years so that the lost quantities can be recovered.

The sumac plant is a shrub or low tree up to 4 meters tall. It blooms in May-July. It is found in shrubs and oak forests. Prefers dry, stony and calcareous terrains. It grows in plains and foothills.

In our country the tetra is widespread almost everywhere. Apart from Bulgaria, it is also found in the Mediterranean, Southern Europe, Asia and the Caucasus.

The usable part for medicinal purposes are sumac leaves. They gather in the second half of summer - July-August, because then they are fully developed and dense. When they turn red, picking is stopped.


Harvesting is done by removing the leaves directly from the plant. Cutting with a knife or pruning shears is also allowed. Care must be taken when collecting the leaves not to cut and break the thick old branches. This severely damages the development of the plants and in the following years lower yields are obtained.

Picking sumac happens only in dry weather. Collected leaves are stored in baskets, baskets or similar containers. They should not be crushed or crushed.

Once you get the sumac leaves, the drying process follows. The leaves are cleaned and the damaged ones are removed. They are arranged in a thin layer, on a mat in the shade, in a ventilated room. Allows to expose for about 3 hours in the sun, after which it must be dried in the shade.

During drying sumac the leaves should be stirred frequently to avoid steaming. The herb is ready when the leaves break when folded. Sumac leaves can be dried in an oven with active ventilation.
