How To Lower The Abdomen

How To Lower The Abdomen
How To Lower The Abdomen

If you have a tummy, it is good to lower it not only to look slimmer, but also to protect yourself from a number of diseases. In people with a tummy, the risk of heart disease, hypertension, stroke and diabetes increases.

Many people think that if they grab a part of their belly with their fingers and it turns out that they hold two centimeters of fat, they should reduce sweets and pasta. But this fat, which you can catch with your fingers, is harmless. Much more serious problems arise because of the fat that builds up around vital organs such as the intestines and liver.

If you suffer from metabolic disorder or from another type of disease, be careful with low-fat diets.

If you increase the calories that give saturated fats to the body - butter, cream, eggs - with calories from carbohydrates, your blood sugar may increase.

Squat every day - the more and more often, the better. This will tighten not only the muscles of your buttocks and thighs, but also the muscles of your abdomen. To remove the internal fat around your organs, you need to strengthen all your muscles.

Running, swimming and cycling are useful for removal of the abdomen because in addition to melting fat, they increase oxygen metabolism.


Abdominal presses do not always melt the abdomen. Ordinary abdominal presses, when you lift your upper body from a lying position and try to touch your toes with your fingers, strengthen the abdominal muscles. But to remove the rounded abdomen, you need to do abdominal presses with rotations left and right.

Replace tempting biscuits and rolls with dried fruit and muesli. Emphasize yogurt, vegetables and fruits, chicken, turkey and fish.

Alcohol has a very bad effect on your decision to reduce your waist circumference, so you will need to reduce your cups first.

Don't look for stupid excuses like "everyone has a belly with age".

Rotating the hoop significantly reduces the waist circumference. This helps to improve the tone of the skin, which, if your belly drops sharply, can sag in ugly folds.

The best way to train to lower the abdomen is 40 abdominal presses, a ten-minute break during which you rotate the hoop, and then repeat 40 presses twice with a break using the hoop.

When you want to lower your abdomen, it is important to drink plenty of water.
