The Secret Sources Of Salt

The Secret Sources Of Salt
The Secret Sources Of Salt

More and more people are realizing the dangers of excessive salt intake in their daily diet and are thinking about limiting it.

Still on the agenda is the issue of ready-made foods, through which a person consumes almost three quarters of salt daily, and this is a serious percentage that changes the nature of nutrition.

The danger of the so-called hidden salt is actually the serious challenge that causes many heart diseases, some cancers, high cholesterol, high blood pressure and other health problems.

Who are secret sources of salt in serious quantities?

Cottage cheese is a low-calorie food product that is often preferred to cheese. It contains protein and calcium needed by the body, but also unexpectedly high levels of sodium, used as a flavor enhancer.

Oatmeal is a very popular diet sought after by dieters of people who are trying to lose weight or have problems with cholesterol and blood sugar levels. The useful properties of this product are indisputable, but the sodium content is significant because it is used as a preservative.

Cottage cheese is a source of salt
Cottage cheese is a source of salt

Sports drinks are enriched with proteins and salts needed for intense exercise and sweating, which loses salts. However, they can become too much for the body if the body's losses during training are not properly accounted for.

Vegetarian food is said to be extremely healthy. Hidden sources of salt however, sandwiches with breaded vegetables, unsalted cheese or dairy can be found.

Biscuits and other pastries are usually associated with the presence of sugar and no one thinks about the salt in them. And in practice, biscuits, waffles and similar cakes contain significant amounts of salt, acting as a preservative, flavoring and enhancer.

We should not forget the traditionally rich foods of this spice such as cheese, delicacies, chips, nuts. Almost all types of sauces, rusks, all semi-finished products, ketchup, pizza are among the serious sources of salt, which must be monitored by the label of the goods.

It is good to keep in mind that a gram of sodium and a gram of salt are not the same thing, and a gram of sodium is more than a gram of salt. Awareness of the need for self-control in the use of the product is the best thing a person can do for his heart.
