For Beautiful Skin - Eat More Carrots

For Beautiful Skin - Eat More Carrots
For Beautiful Skin - Eat More Carrots

If your body is deficient in vitamin A, the best way to get the dose you need is to consume carrot juice regularly. It is considered to be the largest source of the valuable substance, also called the beauty vitamin.

Frequent consumption of carrots eliminates irrational fears of skin discoloration. Recent experiments have recently shown that consuming a crunchy plant, even in excessive amounts, does not change the natural color of your skin in any way.

The orange vegetable extract is quickly absorbed by the body.

For beautiful skin - eat more carrots
For beautiful skin - eat more carrots

In addition to vitamin A, carrots also contain large amounts of vitamin B, C and K.

It has been found that dry skin, psoriasis, dermatitis and other skin inflammations occur as a result of a deficiency in the body of certain elements that are contained in carrots.

The same goes for some eye diseases. When made from fresh carrots, the juice is rich in the alkaline elements sodium and potassium. It also contains a lot of calcium, useful not only for the skeletal system, but also for the elasticity of the skin.

For beautiful skin - eat more carrots
For beautiful skin - eat more carrots

The composition of fresh carrots also includes magnesium and iron, which together with phosphorus, sulfur and silicon have an excellent effect on the overall condition of the whole organism.

Carrot juice also helps with physical and mental fatigue. It also has a beneficial effect on the nervous system.

Experts strongly recommend regular consumption of orange vegetables or their juice after hepatitis, anemia, atherosclerosis, visual disturbances, kidney stones and more.

400-500 ml of juice should be taken daily for healing purposes, equally in the morning and evening, according to natural healers. The extract is obtained from 2 kilograms of fresh carrots.

Carrot juice combines best with beet and cucumber juice (for liver problems), celery and lettuce (for kidney problems and diseases), lettuce and spinach (for atherosclerosis), dandelion and turnips (for diabetes). In high blood pressure, a mix of carrot and spinach juice can be taken.
